Wednesday, December 13

Doodle Prayer

Doodle all your recent concerns using symbols, words, drawings, lines or shapes in one section of your page. Now move into doodling your deepest fears that add power to your concerns.

Now in another section, doodle God’s power, then his love for you as his child. As you doodle, invite God to deal with your concerns and fears and to make things right. Doodle God’s love moving in to your fears and concerns and altering them somehow and sorting them out for you.

Monday, December 11


When you are weak, beat it by letting it remind you to count on God. Now with God, all things are possible, so now you are actually stronger, thanks to your weakness.

Thursday, December 7


Pray now, serve now, care now. Reach out with love, in prayer or in actions to someone God wants to bless through you right now.

Don’t put off any good thing until later. Seize the day. “I am.” God says of himself. God is a God of the present. Live in the present with God. Now is the time.

Tuesday, December 5


Don’t conform to the ways of the world. Get radical for God.

Be embarrassingly kind, be outstanding in the way you encourage others, be proud to have faith in God, don’t laugh at racist jokes, don’t gossip, give more effort than you need to, listen...