Thursday, October 1


"I will lift up my eyes to the hills. Where does help come from? My help comes from God who made both heaven and earth." - Psalm 121

"I go the hills when my heart is lonely, I know I will find a solace there." - The Sound of Music

"Then Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain" - Exodus 19

Hills and mountains can be really spiritual places. Set a date to go there and meet up with God. Plan a visit to the mountains for a spiritual retreat and look forward to that time together.

When you go, you may find it useful to take a journal to write in, the Bible, the exercises on prayer from this collection of ways to Bump Into God and a set of questions that will help you connect with God. Eg. What am I getting right with how I live my life? What mistakes am I making? What good things am I missing out on? Who does God want me to minister to and how? What is God saying to me about my work, my relationships, my spiritual life, my past, my future, my leisure time ...

Put these questions to God and listen.


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