Tuesday, June 6


Watch three minutes go by on your watch or the clock before doing the following reflections.

We know three minutes is a very short time. But when you watch it go like that, it seems to be a significant amount of time after all. A few minutes can be very significant in fact. In three minutes we could have called a friend, written a note of encouragement, sent up a prayer, done 100 push ups, run a kilometre, or thrown out some rubbish.

Give God three minutes today to do something special. Use this exercise as a way to remind you that time is precious. Our time on Earth is running out for each of us. Let’s make the most of us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a very true statement 3 minutes does go by really quick when not watching the clock. Compared to watching it. It is important to give God all that we can when we can.

6/6/06 11:22 am  
Blogger Tom Kerr said...

Great comment thanks pastor Josh.
Here's another interesting spiritual time exercise. Spend 10 seconds being open to receive God's love. Turn down everything else on your mind, and for 10 seconds, absorb God's love for you.


6/6/06 12:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so true. You will actually want it to be more then ten seconds. Becuase when you fill His love for you. You will never want to leave it.

7/6/06 11:14 am  

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