Monday, May 29

X in the box

X marked in the box on the form indicates your choice. What major choices will you have to make soon?

Some times we have things that land on us out of the blue and we have little time to plan our reaction, to consider a range of options and to choose from them. Nevertheless we respond, perhaps with choices quickly made or even by reflex.

Ask God to give you the strength to choose what you know is right. Also ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit so that when your instinct has to kick in with a decision, The Holy Spirit is there ahead of you ready to prompt you to the right choices.


Blogger melinda m said...

Yes, sometimes I've failed miserably with instant reactions, especially when dealing with the familiar folks...perhaps the ones I haven't seen in a long time and I find my old (B.D. --before deliverance) behaviors want to pop up........BUT by the grace of God, I learn... and so, I prepare and pray and then there are times when through Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit I find my reactions victorious!! I love ace-ing a test!
Blessings to you down-under folks. I know GOD has alot going on in the southern hemi - You are blessing me from way up here!

1/6/06 11:41 am  

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